Matthew Cuneo
Position: Instrument Scientist
Beamline: BL-6Instrument: Extended Q-Range Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Diffractometer, Macromolecular Neutron Diffractometer
Group: Biology and Biomedical Sciences
Facility: Spallation Neutron SourceEmail: cuneomj@ornl.gov
Phone: (919) 414-1933
Duke University School of Medicine, PhD. Biochemistry
University of North Carolina: Charlotte, BA Chemistry BS Biology
- Macromolecular structure function studies
- Crystallography/Small-angle scattering/NMR
- Molecular Recognition
- Protein design/engineering
- Protein ligand interactions
- Protein dynamics
Selected Publications
1. Ghimire-Rijal S, Lu X, Myles DA and Cuneo MJ. (2014) “Duplication of Genes in an ATP Binding Cassette Transport System Increases Dynamic Range While Maintaining Ligand Specificity.” J. Biol. Chem. 289(43):30090-100
2. Gabel SA, Smith CD, Cuneo MJ, Meuller GA, Kirby TW, DeRose EF, Krahn JM and London RE. (2014) "Characterization of the redox transition of the XRCC1 N-terminal domain" Structure. 22(12):1754-3
3. Bodenheimer AM, Cuneo MJ, Swartz PD, He J, O'Neil HM, Myles DAA, Evans BR, Meilleur F. (2014) "Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of Hypocrea jecorna Cel7A in two new crystal forms." Acta Cryst F. 70(6):773-776
4. Zheng X, Pedersen LC, Gabel SA, Cuneo MJ, DeRose EF, Krahn JM, London RE. (2014) "Selective unfolding of one ribonuclease domain of HIV reverse transcriptase is linked to homodimer formation." Nucleic Acids Res. 42(8):5361-5377
5. Munshi P, Stanley CB, Ghimire-Rijal S, Myles DA, Cuneo MJ. (2013) "Molecular details of binding specificity determinants in a promiscuous beta-glucan periplasmic binding protein." BMC Struct Biol. 13:18
6. Horton JK, Stefanick DF, Gassman NR, Williams JG, Gabel SA, Cuneo MJ, Prasad R, Kedar PS, DeRose EF, Hou EW, London RE, Wilson SH. (2013) "Preventing oxidaton of cellular XRCC1 affects PARP-mediated DNA damage responses.: DNA Repair. 12(9):774-785
7. Loeffler PA, Cuneo MJ, Mueller GA, DeRose EF, Gabel SA, London RE. (2011) "Structural studies o fthe PARP-1 BRCT domain." BMC Struc Biol. 11:37
8. Cuneo MJ, Gabel SA, Krahn JM, Ricker MA, London RE. (2011) "Homodimer parititioning among BRCT domains favors formation of a heterodmieric XRCC1/DNA ligase III-alpha complex." Nucleic Acids Res. 39(17):7816-27
9. Midon M, Schaefer P, Pingoud A, Ghosh M, Moon AF, Cuneo MJ, London RE, Meiss G. "Mutational and biochemical analysis of the DNA-entry nuclease EndA from Streptococcus pneumonia." Nucleic Acids Res. 39(2):623-34
10. Meuller GA, Gosavi RA, Krahn JM, Edwards LL, Cuneo MJ, GLesner J, Pomes A, Chapman MD, London RE, Pedersen LC. (2010) "The structure of DerP5 exposes significant differences among group 5 dust mite allergen structures. J Biol Chem. 285(33):25394-401
11. Cuneo MJ, London RE. (2010) "The oxidation state of the XRCC1 N-terminal domain regulates DNA polymerase beta binding affinity." Proc Natl Sci USA. 107(15):6805-10