Position: Consultant
Beamline: CG-2Instrument: General-Purpose Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Diffractometer
Group: Structure and Dynamics of Soft Matter
Facility: Spallation Neutron SourceEmail: gdw@ornl.gov
Phone: (865) 574-5237
Ph.D. in Physics, Sheffield University, England
Dr. Wignall uses small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) to study the structure of homo-polymers, block-copolymers and polymer blends, using deuterium labeling techniques to "color" polymer molecules and make them "visible" in the condensed state. He makes SANS techniques and instrumentation available to the scientific community through the operation of user-friendly facilities.
Selected Publications
(from over 240)
- Y. B. Melnichenko and G. D. Wignall, “Small Angle Neutron Scattering in Materials Science: Recent Practical Applications,” Journal of Applied Physics 102 021102 (2007)
- G. D. Wignall, T. A. Harroun, J. Katsaras and J. Krueger, ”Principles of Neutron Scattering for Biology (Chapter 1) and SANS from Biological Molecules (Chapter 3),” in Neutrons in Biology; Techniques and Applications, ed. J. Fitter, T. Gutberlet and J. Katsaras, Springer Publications (2006)
- G. D. Wignall, “Small Angle Neutron and X-Ray Scattering,” Polymer Properties Handbook, Second Edition, ed. J. E. Mark, Springer Verlag, 407-420 (2006)
- G. D. Wignall and Y. B. Melnichenko, “Recent Applications of SANS in Strongly Interacting Soft Condensed Matter,” Reports on Progress in Physics 68 1761 (2005)
- G. D. Wignall, “SANS Characterization of Polymers,” in Physical Properties of Polymers, Third Edition, J. E. Mark, Ed., Cambridge University Press, Chapter 7, 424-511 (2004)
- P. Lindner and G. D. Wignall, “Neutron Scattering Measurements of ‘Soft Matter’,” Materials Research Society Bulletin December 24 34 (1999)
- J. McClain, J. D. Londono, D. Chillura-Martino, R. Triolo, D. E. Betts, H. D. Cochran, E. T Samulski. J. M. DeSimone, and G. D. Wignall, “Design of Nonionic Surfactants for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide,” Science 274 2049 (1996)
- G. D. Wignall and F. S. Bates, “Absolute Calibration of Small‑Angle Neutron Scattering Data,” J. Appl. Crystallog 20 28 (1987)
- G. D. Wignall, “Neutron Scattering from Polymers,” in Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering, pp. 12, Vol. 10, ed. M. Grayson and J. Kroschwitz, Wiley, NY (1987)
- H. Hayashi, P. J. Flory, and G. D. Wignall, “Configuration of the Polyisobutylene Chain According to Neutron X‑Ray Scattering,” Macromolecules 16 1328 (1983)
- G. D. Wignall, D. G. H. Ballard, and J. Schelten, “Measurements of Radius of Gyration and Persistence Length in Bulk Atactic Polystyrene by Low Angle Neutron Diffraction,” Eur. Poly. J. 20 861 (1974)