Published Work: Deviation from high-entropy configurations in the atomic distributions of a multi-principal-element alloy
Published Work: Structure and Stability of SnO2 Nonocrystals and Surface-Bound Water Species
Contact:: David J. Wesolowski
Published Work: “ Mixed Close-Packed Cobalt Molybdenum Nitrides as Non-noble Metal Electrocatalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction”
Contact:Peter Khalifah
Published Work: “Structure of Molten CaSiO3: Neutron Diffraction Isotope Substitution with Aerodynamic Levitation and Molecular Dynamics Study”
Contact: Richard Weber
Published Work: “A green-yellow emitting oxyfluoride solid solution phosphor Sr2Ba(AlO4F)1-x(SiO5)x:Ce3+ for thermally stable, high color rendition solid state white lighting”
Contact: Kristin Denault
Published Work: “ Structural analysis of lignin-derived carbon composite anodes”
Contact: David Keffer
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